Thursday 1 November 2012

Swami's Discourse-Anything in Life can be Achieved with Firm Faith

Embodiments of Love!

IT is lack of love that is responsible for all the differences, arguments and conflicts in the world, especially in the present times. Many people say that the world is afflicted today with sorrow, losses and difficulties. I do not subscribe to this view. I tell you, they are all our illusion only. In fact, there is no unrest or sorrow in this world. I just see peace, peace and peace only everywhere. When there is peace in our heart, we will be able to witness peace all round. Unrest, sorrow, anger, etc., are the reaction, reflection and resound of the state of our inner being. Sorrows and difficulties, anger and unrest are of our own making and creation. They are not natural phenomena in the world.

First and foremost, develop faith. There can be no life without faith. Sometimes faith is also termed ‘Self’. Without Self, you cannot help others. Only when there is faith can you achieve anything in life.

Even now, there are several people who have progressed in life with firm faith in Jesus. Some people develop faith when their desires are fulfilled. If their desires are not fulfilled, they lose faith. This type of attitude is not good. Keep your faith firm, irrespective of whether your desires are fulfilled. Preserve your faith carefully. Faith can work wonders. It can make a blind person see; a dumb speak. Do not at all doubt the power of faith. Some incidents happening in this world may shake your faith in God. But, if you hold on to your faith firmly you can boldly face any situation. Even now some people consider this body (referring to Himself) as an ordinary man. If that were to be so, how could all these superhuman tasks be achieved? No, no; it is a mistake to think so. ‘This’ body may appear to be a mere physical entity to you. It is the fault of your own vision; not Mine. There is something wrong in your perception. It is a mistake of your vision, not Mine. Hence, correct your vision, develop right perception. If you are allright, I will be allright (loud applause). You are all in Me. This is the fundamental truth.

I am getting some things done, making you as My instruments. For, I require some instruments to carry on My mission. Hence, I am moulding you as those instruments. By imparting education, knowledge and wisdom, I am developing you all as My instruments. Hence, may you all lead purposeful lives with firm faith in God! You think that education and academic degrees have helped you to come up in life. This view is not at all correct. How many educated people are there in this world? Of what use are they to the world? In fact, the world is not benefited by the educated class. More harm is done to the world than good, by such people. More than education, the spiritual life will protect a person in every way. Devoid of spiritual outlook, all your education and academic degrees are a mere waste. Their value is zero. Hence, fill your lives with devotion to God and develop the outlook “I am not this body. This is a vesture taken upon by Me. There is God inside who is conducting my life.” God is “in you, with you, around you, above you, below you” . Develop full faith in Divinity. Then you can achieve anything in life.

Dear students!

You are like fully ripened fruits. But, the fruits must contain sweet juice. Without that sweet juice, it cannot be a fruit. You must all have the sweet juice of love. If there is no sweet juice, people will just bite the fruit and throw it away. Hence, fill your hearts with the sweet juice of love. Whatever be the name and form, develop faith in God. God has many names; but God is only one. The ornaments may be many, but gold is one. Do not lose sight of the gold. Without gold, you can not make ornaments. Develop faith as your foremost quality, irrespective of whether it brings you the desired results. Add love to that faith. “I am you and you are Me; I and you are one” (loud applause). Ekoham bahusyam (the One willed to become many). Whoever realises that oneness, achieves total bliss. Every student should develop faith in God. I am sure that students have joined this Institution not merely for acquiring education and academic degrees. They came here to learn Swami’s teachings. If you follow the teachings with firm faith in Swami, you will achieve success in all your endeavours. You should have faith in Swami’s teachings; love them, adore them and follow them.

When you do bhajan, you experience peace and happiness. Hence constantly do namasmarana in your heart. You may not be able to do japa, dhyana or yoga; but do namasmarana. There is no easier path than namasmarana to be in communion with God. Children, adults or elderly people - all can do it. Hence, continue to do namasmarana throughout your life. You may study and acquire degrees; but do bhajan also. Do not consider Jesus as an ordinary mortal. See God in Him. You often refer to someone and say “He is a man” or “she is a lady”. No, no. This is not the correct way of identification. Gents or ladies - “all are one; be alike to everyone.” Lord Krishna in the Bhagawad Gita declared, Mamaivamso jeevaloke jeevabhuta sanathanah (the eternal atma in all beings is a part of My Being). You are all parts of Me. I and you are one. You are not different from Me. I am in you, with you, above you, below you and around you. Develop that spirit of oneness and lead your life. I hope I have made Myself clear. The moment you go to your places, do not think that Swami is there, while I am here. Always develop the feeling “He is with me, in me, around me, above me and below me.” All are one.

From Swami’s discourse on 26/ 12/ 2007 in Prashanthi Nilayam

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