Friday 1 June 2012

A Journey Within

By Sri Ram S.
Sri Ram. S is an MSc (Math) and MBA grad from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. He was also the University Brass band leader, a mandir bhajan singer and one of the founders of the alumni Band Group known as Rhythmic Energy. Post studies he worked in the IT industry for over 6 years after which he moved on and is currently a practising Clinical Integrated Hypnotherapist working out of Bangalore. He has founded Sunshine Wellness Studio ( that aims at using various modalities of hypnotherapy for healing.
Feel free to write in on your experiences and also if you have any further queries at

Swami says that the test of devotion is the equanimity we exhibit when faced with difficult situations. We live in a world full of challenges which often present numerous opportunities to lose our calm and composure.
Yet, we are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. Swami says that we all have the ability to harness our inner abilities and know the answers that we truly seek. These answers lie in the voice of the conscience and when we follow it, life becomes simple. This section is devoted to harnessing that inner power and realizing our true potential as Divine beings. In this edition , we discuss White Light Mediation which is a means to achieve the peace and calm within to find these answers.
The other method is called Emotional Empowerment Technique (EET) which helps to provide immediate relief from pain and discomfort. EET is a unique procedure to help attain the bodily and mental calm and release negativity. The steps for both of these are discussed below.
White Light Meditation
  • Imagine yourself standing in an open space (wide open space, no objects or trees or anything next to you)
  • Look up toward the sky and you find a beautiful Source of White Light.
  • From this Source of White Light a ball of white light starts coming towards you.
  • Intend that this ball of white light contains in it the most powerful healing energies of the Universe, Divine unconditional love and the Wisdom of your Higher Self (Soul).
  • The white light enters through your heart chakra (into your heart); You feel a very soothing sensation in your heart when this happens.
  • In an instant the white light spreads through your entire body (the soothing sensation spreads throughout your body).
  • The white light now expands further outside of your body becoming bigger and bigger until it has become a huge sphere that encompasses you and all your energy bodies as well. (Think of a ball of white light in the center of which you are standing)
  • The edges of this white light sphere crystallizes into a very strong protective shield that protects you against any negativity from ever entering into your space (intend this).
  • Place both your palms on your chest and imagine this white light moving back and forth from your heart to your palms. Rub your palms against each other and place them on your third eye (forehead), over your eyes and rub gently over your face.
  • As you do this, 'integrate' and slowly open your eyes when you feel comfortable.

Emotional Empowerment Technique (Process):
  • Before you start EET process, on a scale of 0 to 10 (0 being NO discomfort and 10 being MAXIMUM discomfort) ascertain where the discomfort stands.
  • EET: Close your eyes, say, "Even though I am feeling <describe pain or feeling> Still I choose to Love and Accept, Heal and Integrate that part of Me" three times. Take deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth releasing all negativity or pain; repeat 7 times.
  • Check level of discomfort on scale of 0 to 10 again. Repeat process if not yet at 0 (or until you wish you stop)
  • As you do this process repeatedly, it is very likely that your mind will also bring up the root cause of the issue as a flash in your mind.
We shall continue our discussions in this series. Look out for the next sequel in this series on “A Journey Within” in Venugaanam.

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