Saturday 1 September 2012

Significance of Teacher's Day

By Vijayalakshmy Krishnan
(Vijayalakshmy has been in the field of education for over 24 years. A former High school Teacher at DBMS English School, Jamshedpur , she started her teaching career from primary school and went to become the High school coordinator. She has been a very active member of the school's social and environmental activities. She was also a prominent member of the Jamshedpur Sathya Sai Seva organization. Known for her loving and caring nature, she served as the city's Bal Vikas Co-ordinator besides involving herself with activities such as poor feeding, Grama Seva etc and has experience in counseling juvenile delinquents. Currently, she helps with the educational development at the Sharavathi School.)

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara Guruh Saakshath para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
5th of September every year is celebrated as Teacher’s day by all. It is also the birthday of Dr S. Radhakrishnan. The importance of this day is not clearly understood by all. Teachers are the pillars of any institution who help the child to face the world and discover its true identity.
They help the family by guiding the children to rediscover who they are and the purpose of their birth. They bring out the latent values in the child and assist the children in developing their skills. Children are so full of love. They are innocent and their minds are impressionable like a clean slate. The ideal teacher understands how to use this wonderful slate to elicit the true and highest values which eventually remain etched in the hearts of the child.
Such ideal teachers are never forgotten by students. The true love and care, understanding and encouragement from the teachers are permanently embedded in the minds of the children. It is these teachers who have shaped and moulded the young impressionable minds to become good citizens, great thinkers and above all humane, wise individuals whose hearts are filled with compassion to render selfless service for the well being of their brethren.
Lord Rama and Vashishtha, Arjuna and Dronacharya, Shivaji and Samartha Ramdas, Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, Sachin Tendulkar and Ramakant Achrekar: all form a unique duo highlighting how great disciples are shaped by the tender care and stern vigilance of a mature teacher. In all these cases, we can see the role played by teachers. Great teachers can make a tremendous impact in a world torn by corruption, theft, and dishonesty. Good students can only emerge from the training of dedicated teachers.
The dedication of teachers who are committed to their work and have a keen passion to teach and mould them have made big difference to the world.
If we find courageous individuals who can stand up fearlessly against wrongs and fight the evil in the form of corruption and cheating, it is because of good teachers who shaped them. Correspondingly, the absence of wise teachers can leave society in the doldrums and faced with potential doom.
Teaching is not a profession for those who find no other jobs. It is a way of life for passionate individuals who believe that they can play their part in improving the next generation through their loving care and wisdom. Teachers day is a reminder to express our gratitude towards those teachers who sacrificed their comforts and made us whatever we are today. More importantly, it is a reminder to live by the ideals that they set before us. And which better teacher to follow than the Sai Avatar Himself who clearly said “My Life is My message”.

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