Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Test is to His Taste

K. Vinod Cartic

It is said that every spiritual Master puts his devotees through the crucible of test of faith before He blesses them with His benediction.  As Swami says, these tests play the same role in a devotee’s life that the goldsmith’s hammering, melting, annealing and shaping do to the gold. Both the processes result in the emergence of a shining jewel at the end- one that is a valuable metal, the other an invaluable character. Both processes are no doubt associated with tribulations and trials from the perspective of the receiver- but then who better than the Master goldsmith would know how to form a jewel better. No wonder then that Swami says “Test is to My taste”.
I recall an incident of severe testing that we underwent during the period of our stay as waiting boys in Parthi. For those to whom the term is new, waiting is a period after the official completion of an academic course during which some students would stay back to be with Swami. For some this would be a period of living and staying in the Avatar’s presence, for some, it was a period of waiting to get His guidance, while others wanted to serve Him directly at Prashanthi Nilayam and awaited work orders from the Master. The reasons for such waiting were in fact as numerous as the number of waiting students itself. Most often Swami Himself would tell the students to wait as He would guide them at a suitable time.

We were about 16 students who had been blessed with an opportunity to wait for Him. The period of waiting ranged from a few months to some who had waited for three fourths of a decade. Our lives literally revolved around Swami and His physical presence. Mornings were marked by getting up early, some exercise followed by a quick breakfast and rushing for His darshan. As most of us could chant Vedam/ sing bhajans, we were also part of the Vedam / Bhajan group respectively and had the double blessing of voicing His glory loud throated in His presence.  Morning arathi would give way to lunch followed by some small service activity/ individual tasks and we would be back for afternoon darshans and the evening bhajans and arathi. Dinner and sleep would follow to awaken us to another beautiful day in His presence. Literally, bhajan and bhojan were our two fields of specialization in this period of waiting. Swami was the center and reason of our lives in every sense and we probably spent more time thinking of Him then than in any other period of our student life. Life seemed very complete in itself- we were complacent in our good fortune of living in the Lord’s presence. The accusations of laziness and lack of initiative that well meaning friends/ relatives/ elders cast was unable to make any deep impact on our psyches filled with the thrill of His presence.
It was in this atmosphere of peace and calm in our lives that Swami threw a storm that threatened to rock our lives. It was the period of Ganesh Chaturthi 2009.  As we went to occupy our places to sing before Him one morning (our places, as if they belonged to us forever!! ), we were informed by the senior authorities in Prashanthi Nilayam that Swami had commanded the waiting boys to sit along with alumni and they  would not be allowed to sing/ chant Vedam in His presence henceforth. This meant that we would be sitting in one corner of the Sai Kulwant hall away from His direct glance and having just the possibility of one slight glance during darshan if Swami took a full round. All chances of interaction with Him would be minimal (read zero) and we would not even have a ‘fair’ opportunity of giving a letter to Swami. Not only this, we were also informed that Swami was unhappy with us and He wanted all the students who were waiting to go out and seek jobs. Swami would bless them the moment they came back after securing job offers. 
It took us an hour or so until after that morning darshan to realize that this was more than a bad dream- that it was a command that threatened to throw us far from the physical presence we so much valued. Our minds took it lightly at first, thinking that Swami must be playing a prank on us. At its highest state of optimism, we thought that Swami might probably grant us a personal audience that evening. None of that happened- neither that day nor in the week ahead. In fact, Swami literally was avoiding any eye contact with any of the waiting boys. The same students who had enjoyed His attention over the past few months, were now deprived of the very warmth that sustained their lives. The cold treatment had begun and we felt like dying patients from whom oxygen cylinders had been removed. The absence of darshan  and bhajans was not the end- in a few days time Swami had sent word through the authorities that within 20 days time, all the waiting boys would have to leave Parthi – either by choice or forcibly! The ultimatum was loud and clear. Unknowingly, we had earned His wrath even though we thought that our waiting was an expression of our love , gratitude and respect for His command.
Was this to be the end of our good fortune.? Had we done something so objectionable in waiting for Him that we were to be treated as abhorrable residents in Parthi? Did not Shabari/ Mother Seeta/ Bharatha/ the Gopalas and Gopikas  all wait for the Lord and thereby win His grace by their faith and patience? The Lord when in Shirdi had said Saburi (patience) was the crown of all virtues- He had repeated the same to us many times in Parthi- why then this sudden calamity befalling us? How could we leave the Lord without getting His direct command and guidance? The barrage of questions found no convincing answers even as we stared blankly at the incumbent destiny to befall us - leave His presence and that too after making the center of our lives upset with us. There was pain, confusion, and a sense of bewilderment that only Swami could clarify directly. In obeying His command to wait for His guidance, where and how had we displeased Him? We struggled vainly within ourselves introspecting as never before only to find that the deadline of 20 days was fast approaching.
(To be continued in the next edition of Venugaanam)

(Vinod completed his B.Tech from IIT Madras and did his MBA from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, PuttaparthiHe is currently working as an independent consultant while he spends most of his free time carrying forward Swami’s directions of starting an orphanage.)

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