Saturday, 3 August 2013

The Making of SaiKrushnaMandir

Saikrushna mandir after Phase 2

With the Divine Blessings and grace of our Beloved Swami, the Phase 1 of the children’s home – SaiKrushnaMandir – has begun operations from June 23rd, 2013.. The “Gruhapravesam”(House Warming Ceremony) of the children’s home was held on 3rd June. The first four children have joined and two more will be joining in the first week of July. The children are attending school at the associated Sharavathi Higher Primary School. We thank Swami for sending us a cook and helper for the children’s home. We have also found some volunteers to live with and take care of the children. We also invite applications for a few more suitable caretakers.  The caretakers would also be paid suitable as per their experience and ability. Support staff families would be provided suitable accommodation and their children would be given appropriate educational facilities also.

Some other minor construction works like the bathrooms for visitors and external staff are in progress to facilitate the effective working of the children’s home.We are very happy to have had devotees from SaiGruhalakshmi family, SaiGitanjali and PadmanabhanagarSamiti come and visit SaiKrushnaMandir in the month of July.

We look forward to all your active involvement and participation in this God given opportunity. We also welcome you to come and visit the site and participate in the activities of SaiKrushnaMandir. We pray that Swami’s grace will crown our genuine intentions and He will continue to guide and bless the children and residents to live in a happy home and grow to His ideals.

Shreyas and Chandan are admitted in Class 2 of the Sharavathischool while Devi Prasad and Sridhar study in class 1. The children have adjusted well to their new home and are growing up happily.

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