KVRK Bhargav
(Bhargav is a
student of Swami who after completing his B.Tech in Textile Engineering
graduated with an MBA from the the Sri Sathya Sai University in 2001. Ever
since, he has had the great fortune of waiting for Swami’s direct guidance. He
has been blessed with many interactions with Swami and he pursues astrology as
a hobby to understand how it complements and dovetails spirituality. He shares
his insights on how the planets are not causes of fear; rather they all serve
the common goal of prodding man towards his spiritual destiny of Self
Budhei is popularly known as the Laughing Buddha is admired for
his happiness, plenitude, wisdom and contentment. The laughing Buddha is
regarded as one of the most auspicious Gods of wealth and charity. He has a protruding belly, a short stature,
long flowing robe, with a linen sack full of sweetmeats to be given to children
who make a beeline wherever he goes. An infectious smile always plays on his
![]() |
Laughing Buddha |
He is based on an eccentric Chinese
Ch'an (Zen) monk who lived over 1,000 years ago and has become a significant
part of Buddhist and Shinto culture. Because of this monk's benevolent nature,
he came to be regarded as an incarnation of the bodhisattva.
The Laughing Buddha personifies the
characteristics of planet Jupiter or Guru. Jupiter is the largest planet of our
solar system and astrologically considered as the great benefic. In Indian
mythology Jupiter is depicted as Bruhaspati the preceptor of devas and in Greek
mythology he is represented by Zeus. It gives abundance, charitable nature,
contentment and higher wisdom. It is considered that if Jupiter is strong in a
chart a thousand handicaps of the horoscope are nullified.
A strong Guru makes a person champion
the cause of morals and ethics. Lord Rama had a very strong Jupiter in the
first house of personality as mentioned in our epics which made him go through
untold hardships to uphold morals and ethics. As a corollary a weak Jupiter
makes a person compromise higher ideals in life for some petty gains.
Jupiter is a planet of higher wisdom
and higher intelligence and gives an individual a keen discriminative faculty.
Swami calls this the Dhi shakti which gives a person the understanding
to discriminate between right and wrong.
Jupiter signifies all types of
wealth. Kubera, the lord of riches in puranas is believed to have a very
strong Jupiter influencing the houses wealth and abundance according to Bhrigu
Naadi. But this wealth always comes with a caveat. Osho’s chart is a classic
example. His Jupiter was very strong giving him abundant wealth and prosperity,
but the surfeit of it gave him an over expansive nature which finally led to his
Osho’s case study teaches us the
lesson of moderation. Many astrologers believe that there should be a
contracting influence of Saturn to prevent the individual from going overboard.
Hence a strong Jupiter should also have a strong Saturn to keep the balance for
excellent spiritual growth. Jiddu Krishnamurthy a profound thinker, sage and
philosopher had a very strong Jupiter in the fifth house of intellect giving
him higher wisdom and a strong Saturn which gave him grounding without getting carried
away by the abundance he received in his life.
In Sanatana dharma Jupiter is
considered a very auspicious planet and many muhurtas for important functions
like marriages, house warming ceremonies, akshara abhayasam or upanayanam are
fixed when it is strong, for the success of the undertaking.
The pushkara festival, the
festival of having ritualistic bath in rivers all over India depends on the
movement of Jupiter. Jupiter takes one year to traverse one zodiacal sign and
whenever it enters a new sign it results in the Pushkara festival of a
particular river.
Following is the table of the transit
of Jupiter in a sign and the river associated with that sign for the sacred
bath festival:
Zodiac Sign
Name of the river
1st sign
2nd sign
3rd sign
4th sign
5th sign
6th sign
7th sign
8th sign
9th sign
10th sign
11th sign
12th sign
May 2012 Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus marking the beginning of Narmada
Pushkara festival. It is believed "Pushkar" , a mythological
character, who is imbued with the power to make any river holy, will travel
with Jupiter as Jupiter moves from one Zodiac house to another and gives each
river the potency to confer worldly gains and also spiritual benefit to the
people who take bath during this time.
A strong guru in a horoscope makes a person pursue
a career of teaching, judiciary or priesthood. It even gives a good job in
government as advisors. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna, an outstanding
educationalist, excellent author and statesman had a very strong Jupiter in the
first house of personality.
Guru signifies children and is considered a
bestower of good children. For girls, he represents a good husband.
Guru rules the sweet taste. Individuals with a
strong influence of Jupiter on the second house of taste naturally like sweet
taste. Second house also signifies oratory skills and wealth. Strong guru
placed in second house makes a person a powerful orator and very wealthy.
is the harbinger of good health, social status, wealth and prosperity Jupiter signifies the fat component
in the human body; hence a strong Jupiter imparts a corpulent body to the
individual. It also signifies the liver and the spleen. Its weakness in a
horoscope is the prime cause of diabetes and jaundice. Jupiter is depicted as a
planet with a golden hue thus imparting a golden colour to an individual. Jupiter rules the
hips, pelvis, thighs and the sciatic nerve. It also governs illness where too
much of a good thing are contributing factors.

Guru Nanak puts it very beautifully, ‘Wealth hoarded is wealth lost, wealth
given in charity is wealth gained’.
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